Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (2024)

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by William Lam // 43 Comments

While today, May 6th, 2024 marks the completion of the "Day 2" transition where VMware's backend system has been migrated to Broadcom's backend system, it may still take a few days for all the new systems to fully settle with such a large migration project. There are also some planned post-Day 2 updates that are still pending for some web properties, so you may see additional updates towards end of the week as well.

With a large number of VMware web properties changing including some being retired and/or kept exactly the same, I have been collecting various links that customers, partners and employees may find useful. I will continue to make updates to this page as new or updated information is provided, so be sure to bookmark to stay up to date.

Note: Some downloads will require an active entitlement while others may not. You can check back later this week as I know not all downloads may be showing up immediately.

Change Log:

  • 05/09/24 - Added updated Horizon Client download links
  • 05/08/24 - Added Per-Division Security Advisory links
  • 05/07/24 - Add Patch download links

Updated Websites:

Existing Websites (No Changes for now):

More from my site

  • Changing "Password will expire in X days" notification for Active Directory users in vSphere Web/H5 Client
  • Cross vCenter Clone with vSphere 6.0+
  • Application Discovery in vSphere with VMware Tools 11
  • ESXi 8.0 Update 2 not detecting Apple NVMe on Apple Mac Mini 2018
  • Supermicro VMware Homelab 2020 Options


  1. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (2)_n345 says

    As an insider, maybe you can push the powers that be to include DRS in vSphere® Standard rather than requiring Foundation. Exclusion of DRS is pushing many customers to exit the VMWare ecosystem due to budgetary constraints. My employer is a University and as a VMWare customer, we are planning an exit from VMWare within a year which is a highly a painful position to be in. Broadcom is losing and will continue to lose customers en-masse based on this alone. I beg for you with your insider position to help the community in this matter. Thank you kindly.


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (3)N786 says

      I feel your frustration... My university was also affected. We'll consider exploring alternatives when the timing is right too.


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (4)Billy Bob says

        I'm in the same boat. Being a rather large university in the Midwest, exit from VMware is becoming a really difficult decision due to the costs. 800% increase in costs... Side note, my Broadcom account is all messed up... can't see my contracts or download anything... Broadcom bit off more than they can chew?


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (5)RocketSam says
      > Broadcom's stated strategy is very simple: focus on 600 customers who will struggle to change suppliers, reap vastly lower sales and marketing costs by focusing on that small pool, and trim R&D by not thinking about the needs of other customers – who can be let go if necessary without much harm to the bottom line.


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (6)WA86 says

        This article is from 2022. Some of the predictions transpired - Price increase. Some didn't - Main ones being focusing only on 600 customers and trimming R&D spend


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (7)Colin Corrigan says

      As A MAJOR Customer!! It has become too expensive!! We need new solutions!!


  2. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (8)Ray Parvaresh says

    Thank you for the useful links, William. No doubt, this is going to be a painful transition!


  3. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (9)Josh Hansen says

    Cant logon to customer connect from VMware. What happened to the transition phase? Got my new account registered with buttcom, how do i get my licensing and entitlements? How do I download ESXI?

    Can you refund the money I spent on vsphere and vsan six months ago?

    Broadcom sucks, another product that you have ruined. Now I have to replace vsphere and carbon black. Funny thing is I replaced SEP with carbon black and Backup exec with veeam.

    How long do I got before you buy veeam and ruin it?

    I will never ever buy from broadcom and you NIC's suck too.


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (10)TomC says

      Broadcom simply doesn´t care. As far as I´m concerned VMware products are no longer an option. It´s not just the idiotic price increases but Broadcom is a company that can´t even have a migration go smoothly.


  4. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (11)Tony Salazar says

    Thank you, William, for the useful links! Change and transitions are difficult, I appreciate the great information.

    William, do you know how I can access the ESXi for ARM download? Thanks!


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (12)William Lam says

      ESXi-Arm download link will be updated post-Day 2, no ETA but it'll show up on the new Flings community when it is available


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (13)tonysalazarea330adb26 says

        Thank you so much William!


  5. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (14)Ray Parvaresh says

    William, can you confirm support will not be renewed for the perpetual licenses unless we go subscription based? We just sunk mucho bucks into new perpetual licenses. What happens when licenses have been purchased at different times with different support expiry dates? Can you please shed some light on support moving forward? Thanks,


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (15)William Lam says

      The end of perpetual/SaaS Service licensing was announced back in Dec 11 ( and customers with existing SnS (non-expired) will be supported up to the term of the SnS but you will not be able to purchase new perpetual and/or renew SnS for perpetual products. For mixed perpetual licensing and SnS, there's definitely some options and your account team will be the best folks to reach out to help you understand your specific scenario


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (16)Billy Bob says

        What accounts team ? I can't reach mine... they never respond...


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (17)_n345 says

        Will my v8 Perpetual Licenses give me access to security updates if i do not renew support? or will they paywall access to downloads? and vCenter lifecycle?


          • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (19)_n345 says

            for anyone reading this, based on the "My Downloads" versus the "All Products" it looks like INACTIVE perpetual licenses will NOT allow for standard updates. Only the "Zero Day" (CVSS 9.0+).
            My reasoning is this: allowed you to download workstation pro all day long. i can't download anything except what my "Active" Entitlements allow which for the moment is essentially only vcenter and esxi. the wkstn pro, will only allow the "for personal use" and the "open source" versions, not the primary release. therefore i think all the products will follow suit. so take the above link verbatim. 🙁 non-buyer beware.

  6. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (20)powtoyss332 says

    Thank you for the useful link.
    I want to download the latest Aria Operation hot fix, but I can't find the URL to download the patch.
    Will the URL be published in the future?
    old link:


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (21)William Lam says

      Blog post has been updated for where to find "Patches" but basically its hosted on same portal, just need to select product and click on "Solutions"


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (22)powtoyss332 says

        Thank you so much William!


  7. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (23)Tk says

    Hi William,

    Can you please provide the download link for VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator Plug-in for VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.8? I am unable to find the plug-in download link from the Broadcom portal. Thank you!


  8. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (27)ReallyBear says

    Hi William

    Excuse me , Do you know the VMware license track tools New link


  9. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (28)Ray Parvaresh says


    So, at the moment practically none of the links to the VMWare user community posts take you there. Google searches with results pointing to the VMWare community posts or articles just dumps you to the home page of Does Broadcom plan to redirect these to the correct place or have we simply lost access to a wealth of user community knowledge and information that is by far superior to VMWare's own technical staff (company not included, of course). This would be simply disastrous and akin to Changez Khan burning down the libraries of every civilization it invaded!!!


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (29)Ray Parvaresh says

      Also, 404s everywhere when directed to KB articles!


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (30)Christian Paolella says

      Yes please, I'm losing my mind over this. All my open tabs and bookmarks are garbage now. And even when I search for the article by exact string in broadcom communities, I find nothing.


  10. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (31)AL says

    William, you are one of the few folks in the VMware-sphere that has been instrumental to keeping a community feel for so many years now. Any frustration in your comments is just that community feeling betrayed by an unfeeling corporate takeover. I hope you are thinking well ahead of the Broadcom changes and gtfo while you can gracefully. Take care and good luck training for the TdC.


  11. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (32)Brian K says

    Hi William,
    Great post.

    It does not seem like any connected accounts was migrated. It is true that we need to request access from all customer again?

    Where can partners order NFR licenses?

    It is normal that the My Downloads are completely empty?


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (33)_n345 says

      "My Downloads" are empty here too, but the article above said "wait-for-it" more or less. "All Products" do not seem to have vmware at all from what i see.

      my entitlements show as active, fwiw.


      • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (34)_n345 says

        Downloads now available.


  12. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (35)Paolo says

    Hi William
    I have no entitlements now. Lost all my licenses and can't download anything. We were going to upgrade v7 to v8 this weekend and now I can't find my license keys to convert this. Any idea when this may be resolved? I can't even contact support. Chat keeps closing the tickets I am trying to open and I can't get anyone to answer the phone or call me back


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (36)Ray Parvaresh says

      Same here. I am directed to a page full of nothing!


  13. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (37)dsf says

    What an absolute mess! What happened to my tens of entitlements? Why don't the "site IDs" match any of my customer numbers I had with VMWare? What happened to my support contracts? What the F? Will this end up in a class action?


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (38)_n345 says

      i hope so 😀


  14. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (39)Muhammad Tariq says

    I have VMware customer connect ID, i am really in problem when it is not accessable on and showing error to unable to login or some time require authincation code via sms but code is not received on Cell number. i have logged complain this issue on Web:, but i am still waiting for response since 3 days . please support us which door where we can knock to sort out it


  15. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (40)Anthony says

    Where’s the VMware health Analyzer tool VHA that you could get from the partner portal before?


  16. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (41)Ray Parvaresh says

    Does anyone know why our Site ID contains no value? Is this supposed to be the equivalent of our VMWare customer account number?

    Also, when attempting to build the profile (for eStore for example), the form asks for your "Bill To Customer ID". I use our VMWare Customer Number which it does not verify and then reduces your number of allotted attempts. What is this mysterious Customer ID and how does one find out what it is or get one?

    I opened a case on this and interestingly enough the populated company name filed contains a numerical (xxxxxxxx) next to the company name which is unfamiliar. Is this our Customer ID and if so, why in the h3ll is it not reflected anywhere in our profile? Why keep it hidden from us?

    What a disaster of a migration thus far!!


  17. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (42)Mario Lenz says

    We're running integration tests for the community.vmware Ansible collection and run into an issue with the vmware_content_library_manager module. The tests create a content library subscribed to "" (which seems to work) and then update the subscription to "" which fails.

    It looks like both are redirected to new Broadcom URLs, but while this seems to work for the first one it doesn't for the second.

    Any ideas? Or alternative URLs we could use for the create subscribed content library / update subscribed content library tests?


    • Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (43)William Lam says

      1st CL is official for product use and only had it’s CDN change, so existing subscription just needed to retrust and new subs are fine

      2nd was not carried forward due to its original hosting and has been sunset


  18. Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (44)Paulone says

    Hello Will thanks for this doc. When I want to download esxi is not avaiable in standard iso. If Custom iso I can download.


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Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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