Millie's Mistake - Chapter 9 - BadRambleWritings (2024)

Chapter Text

“Well? Did you expect to see little ol’ me?” Millie said, as she lay in bed. She batted her eyelashes and licked her lips as she watched her lover enter the room.

Moxxie could only sigh at the sight of her. She was dressed in her usual outfit and was laying in bed, eyeing Moxxie as he entered. He really didn’t want to deal with this but it looked like he wasn’t going to be able to avoid her for very long, so he gave up and sat on the bed next to her. His body language made it clear he was in no mood to do this right now.

“Millie, please. I don’t want to do this tonight...” Moxxie said, the tone of annoyance obvious in his voice. He truly just wanted to rest and think about things, but it seemed like he wasn’t going to be allowed to process anything tonight.

Moxxie was sure Millie heard him but it was obvious she didn't care what he wanted at the moment. She hugged him from behind and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Her grip was firm as Moxxie felt her hot breath on his neck, showing that she wanted Moxxie’s touch more than Moxxie’s desire for a decent night's rest.

“Come on Moxxie, let's just forget everything and enjoy ourselves again. Just us, alone, right here, right now. No Blitzo to try and sneak a peek. I’ll even wear that little dress you like, the little black one that doesn't cover anything…” she whispered into his ear. She began to kiss his neck as her hands worked their way to his crotch.

She had it all planned out in her head, her and Moxxie would have sex for maybe an hour or two. Then, they would have another long talk about what happened. She would prove through her actions that Lex meant nothing to her and that Moxxie was the only one for her. Then, Moxxie would kiss her, fully convinced in her devotion to him, then happily ever after. It all made perfect sense to her.

Millie trailed her kisses back up his neck until she got to this ear.
“Come on, Moxxie, right here, right now…” She said, fully expecting Moxxie to pin her to the bed and ravish her like he used to.

“GET THE f*ck OFF ME, MILLIE!” He yelled as he pulled himself away from her. He was absolutely done with everything that was happening.

From being cheated on, to having been played for a fool, to having his friends support his decision to leave her, and to finally being told by those same friends to hear Millie out again. He was sick of the emotional rollercoaster he was on and he was going to get off of it. No more being told what to do.

“Moxxie please! I know I screwed up, but I know I can fix this! Let's go away, just the two of us! Please!” Millie pleaded as she reached out to hold him again. Moxxie, losing himself in his anger, grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her as close to his face as he could.

“I'M TIRED OF THIS BULLsh*t! Why!? Why do you do this to me!? I'm so tired of this! Why can't any of you just leave me alone for a few hours!? PLEASE!” Moxxie screamed out, and pushed Millie away so she fell back onto the bed.

Millie heard the shaking in his voice, and the trembling of his body as the stress and pain consumed him. She saw him break down in real time, and it was all her fault. She reached out for him but froze when he flinched suddenly.

Moxxie quickly buried his face into his hands. He wanted to scream again. Scream at her for ruining their relationship, for ruining their marriage. Their relationship, friendships with others, their very future together, all of it was damaged because Millie couldn’t control her alcohol for one night. He snapped his head back at her violently but stopped when he saw the fear plastered on Millie’s face. He noticed his arm was up. He followed the length of it with his eyes to see that his hand was balled into a fist.

Moxxie pulled himself away from her and buried his face back into his hands. What was he about to do? Was he about to hit Millie? He didn’t want to believe he would do something like that. Is this who he was now? Moxxie began to cry, refusing to believe he would stoop so low as to hit his wife. No matter what she had done to him, he never wanted to lay a hand on her.

“I’m nothing like my father…” Moxxie repeated to himself over and over as he broke down.

Millie didn't know what to do at this point. She was too stunned to move away. Was Moxxie about to punch her? Had she screwed up that badly that Moxxie was willing to strike her now? She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head as she saw the state that Moxxie was in. Shaking, broken, covered in tears. It broke her heart to see the man she loved like this.

Millie moved closer and wrapped her arms around him. It was second nature for her to want to comfort him. Moxxie flinched, wanting to push her away. To keep her away from him because he didn’t trust himself right at that moment. Her touch felt so weak, so gentle, with a little trembling coming from the quick and shallow way she was breathing. She was trembling just as much as he was, Moxxie realized. He turned to face her and slowly, carefully, wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back.

Millie began to cry, unable to hold back her tears anymore.

“I’m so sorry, Moxxie,” Millie choked out. The words were genuine, the pain very real. Moxxie could see that both of them were very, very broken.

“I know….”

They cried for some time. Millie because she ruined their marriage, and Moxxie because he felt like he could never trust his wife ever again. They held each other until they had no more tears left to shed.

They looked into each other's eyes and Millie smiled as she let him go. The makeup on her face leaving little black streaks on her red cheeks.

“I’ll give you your space, Moxxie. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight. We can talk more tomorrow, okay?” Millie asked. She wiped the last of Moxxie's tears from his face and smiled at him gently.

“Thank you, Millie. Goodnight,” Moxxie said. Without thinking, he gave her a kiss on her forehead. Millie’s red cheeks grew brighter as she smiled. She stood up and left the room, unable to keep herself from smiling. Her tail wagging wildly as she stepped into the living room.

“That’s the Moxxie I know and love,” she whispered to herself.

She sat on the couch for an hour, watching tv, before deciding it was time for bed. She was in much better spirits now. Moxxie kissed her, so obviously he still loved her. There was a small chance that things would all go back to normal, or at least as close to normal as possible. She liked a slim chance over no chance at all.

Millie got off the couch and did her nightly routine before bed. She took a quick shower, wiped off her makeup, and brushed her teeth, before finally brushing her hair. She had gotten it to all flow in the same direction for once, which she found funny.

Millie was in the middle of closing the curtains when she saw Blitzo’s van stop abruptly in front of her home. The tires screeched as he made a hard stop.

Suddenly, all the damage she did to Lex’s apartment began to go through her head. She grimaced at the memory and decided it would be best to meet them on the porch, instead of them busting the door down and waking Moxxie up.

She walked onto the porch and watched as they jumped out of the car and slowly approached her. The tension on their faces was plain to see in the white of the porchlights.

“Now Millie, I know you’re probably batsh*t crazy right now but if you did anything to Moxxie-”

“I didn't do anything, Blitz,” Millie said. They had every right not to trust her, especially after leaving a trail of destruction in Lex’s apartment, but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t hurt.

“Lex… I-”

“Can Blitzo go inside? I think we should talk alone, if that’s alright,” Lex said, cutting off Millie before she could say anything else.

She stepped away from the door and nodded, as Blitzo slipped right in. Millie motioned to the seats on the porch. She knew this was going to happen eventually. She would have to answer for what she did. All of it. She fidgeted in her seat, mentally preparing for what came next. Would he yell? Would he hurt her? Like with Moxxie, she didn’t believe Lex would ever hit her but she feared the worst all the same.

They sat in silence for several minutes. Millie watched Lex as his chest moved gently with his breathing, like he was perfectly calm despite everything she did to him. Yes, they got drunk the first night, and yes, Loona blackmailed them after that, but it could’ve just ended there. It didn’t end there though, they ended up close. She knew Lex had developed some feelings toward her in the end but tossed him aside the second Moxxie called for her. She lied, talked badly about him, and even destroyed his home. She felt like the worst person in the world.

The silence was killing her, she needed Lex to do something, not just stare at the ground that the streetlights were illuminating. Maybe Lex would send her a bill, a venomous glare, maybe he would actually hit her, anything besides this silence would be preferable right now. No matter how long she mentally prepared for what could happen to her, nothing could have prepared her for the bombshell that was dropped instead.

“I’ll be moving away,” Lex finally said.

“W-w-what!? Why?” Millie asked. She thought she had no more tears left but here she was, eyes watering again.

“Blitzo asked me to. And he's right about why I should,” Lex began, “Despite being drunk at the time, we royally f*cked up. Moxxie and you will probably have to work on your relationship for a long time before you guys can go back to normal, right?”

Millie was stuttering, he accent more pronounced than ever,
“B-but what’s that got to do with you l-leavin’? M-moxxie and I got t-this handled s-s-so don’t run off! T-that ain’t right!”

Lex smiled at her but Millie easily noticed the smile never reached his eyes,
“It’ll go a lot smoother if I’m not around making Moxxie worry every time you two aren’t together, right?” He cupped his hands together and tried to warm them with his breath. Millie offered to get him a coat from inside but Lex declined her offer.

Millie knew he was right. Moxxie would never trust Lex again. He had every right not to, and if that helped smooth things over between them, then it was actually a good thing that he was taking himself out of the equation. Even if she didn’t like it. She steadied her voice before speaking again.

“Where will you be running off to? Don’t seem the type to hide out with some of the farmfolk.” Millie asked, as she finally got Lex to look her in the eyes, and not just look through her.

“Stolas offered me a job as his bodyguard. You won’t see me ever since the only ones who go to his place are Blitzo or Loona. No idea where I’ll live yet though, probably across town to avoid seeing you guys…” Lex said.

Millie let out a sigh of relief. Happy that he wasn’t going to skip town and start a new life because of what happened.

“Do you think Stolas would take you in?” Millie asked, and was surprised when Lex began to laugh.

“Stolas, yes, but with Stella there, that'll be a hard no from me. I’ve been lucky to avoid her so far but who knows what’ll happen if I actually got to live there. One vase to the face is enough for me!”

They shared a moment of peace as they laughed about the whole situation. The bump on his head the first time was pretty bad so of course Lex would want to avoid that. At that moment, Blitzo came back out with a smile on his face.

“Moxxie’s okay! No rope marks or bruises!” He said, looking at Lex.

“Told you,” Millie grunted out. She didn’t like the assumption that she would hurt Moxxie, but she knew she had been acting especially crazy so all Blitzo received from her was a glare.

Lex got off the chair and stretched before looking back at Millie.
“I think I've said everything I wanted to. I’ll be heading out now.”

“Wait! That’s it? No screaming? No fighting? Nothing!?” Millie spoke louder than she intended and lowered her voice.

“No point. We f*cked up. Yelling at each other won’t fix this. Plus you have to focus on fixing things with Moxxie. No point in me making things harder on you,” Lex said, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Millie pulled him into a hug and Lex hugged her back. Even now, he was still trying to help her. It filled her with an odd mix of love and hate because if they had never slept together, they would’ve been the best of friends. She was sure of it, but now all his acts of kindness felt like direct attacks to her heart.

“I'm sorry I ruined your apartment, Lex…” Millie said, looking up at him. She wanted to get a final look at him because she was likely never going to see him again.

“I'm sorry I ruined your life. Goodbye Millie.” Lex and Millie continued their hug for several more moments while Blitzo sat down in one the chairs next to them.

Once they separated from each other, Lex turned around and began to walk away from the porch. Blitzo called out to him before he could get too far.

“Uh Lex I can drive you back if you want? It's a bit of a walk back to your place and I don’t think Millie is going to do any crazy bitch sh*t”

“Hey!” Millie scowled at Blitzo before punching him in the shoulder.

“Nah… I'd rather walk tonight” Lex said, and began to make his way home. Blitzo and Millie simply watched him go without another word.

Millie and Blitzo sat on the porch for a little while until Lex was out of sight. Then, they went inside.

When Lex finally got to his apartment, the sun had begun to rise. He had been walking for over two hours and was pretty tired when he entered. He walked past all the damage in his home and sat down on the tattered couch. He stared at his ruined home and forced back his tears. It wasn’t the time for that, he thought.

“No… no. Gotta grab my things.”

Lex grabbed a small box and filled it with what he could that wasn’t broken or damaged so he could load it all into his car. It wasn’t much in the end. A lamp that survived the carnage and a few pairs of clothes was all that made it out unscathed.

“Should’ve billed her for the damages,” he said, chuckling to himself.

He reached down and grabbed a picture that used to be framed on the wall. It was a picture of the day he got hired. Lex in the center, Millie on his left, Luna turned away from them but barely in frame on the right, and Blitzo tackling Moxxie as he made it into frame at the last second before the picture was taken. He felt his heart break as the tears ran down his cheeks.

He placed the picture in the box with the rest of his salvageable things, unable and unwilling to just leave it behind.
As he loaded his car with the last of his things, he took one more look at what used to be his home before getting into his car, and driving down the road toward Stolas’ place.

Millie's Mistake - Chapter 9 - BadRambleWritings (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.