List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (2024)

In this guide you will find walkthrough for all main quests in Monster Hunter World with mission objectives, special victory conditions, time limits and rewards. Our short walkthrough includes quests Jagras of the Ancient Forest, A Kestodon Kerfuffle, The Great Jagras Hunt, Bird-Brained Bandit, Pukei Pukei Hunt, The Best Kind of Quest and more.

Last update: 14 February 2018

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Below you can find all Assigned Quests - the main missions. They depict subsequent story events. Here you can find a list of quests in Monster Hunter World along with their descriptions:

  • Jagras of the Ancient Forest
  • A Kestodon Kerfuffle
  • Urgent: The Great Jagras Hunt
  • Bird-Brained Bandit
  • Urgent: Pukei-Pukei Hunt
  • The Best Kind of Quest
  • Sinister Shadows in the Swamp
  • Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
  • Urgent: The Encroaching Anjanath
  • One for the History Books
  • Ballooning Problems
  • Radobaan Roadblock
  • Urgent: Legiana: Embodiment of Elegance
  • Into the Bowels of the Vale
  • A Fiery Throne Atop the Forest
  • Horned Tyrant Below the Sands
  • A Colossal Task
  • Invader in the Waste
  • Tickled Pink

Jagras of the Ancient Forest

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Jagras of the Ancient Forest

Slay 7 Jagras


Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Mernos.

50 min

1200 z

Commentary: A simple quest to start the game. You have to defeat 7 Jagras - a piece of cake. Practice your combos and gather a few items while you are there. Then, speak with NPCs to complete the quest.

A Kestodon Kerfuffle

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


A Kestodon Kerfuffle

Hunt a pack of Kestodon (3 males and 5 females)


Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Mernos, Jagras.

50 min

1200 z

Commentary: Another easy quest that doesn't require any additional description. You simply have to hunt the appointed monsters and eliminate them quickly. During the mission you can see Great Jagras. The game gives you a choice: you can decide to hunt this beast or go back to the village and prepare for the next encounter.

Urgent: The Great Jagras Hunt

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (1)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


The Great Jagras Hunt

Hunt a Great Jagras


Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Mernos, Jagras.

50 min

1200 z

Commentary: The first serious challenge. You have to hunt a Great Jagras which is much more difficult to slay than the monsters you fought earlier. The enemy has a lot of health points, numerous special attacks etc. Visit our page with the description of Great Jagras to learn its tactic and ways of defeating the beast!

Bird-Brained Bandit

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Bird-Brained Bandit

Hunt Kulu-Ya-Ku

HR 2 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Mernos, Jagras.

50 min

1800 z

Commentary: Time to face another large monster. You have to slay Kulu-Ya-Ku, a very agile bird-like creature that uses interesting attacks. It can dig out a stone use it in combat. The beast also attacks from above etc. Here you can find more details on how to deal with this enemy and what materials you can get from it.

Urgent: Pukei-Pukei Hunt

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (2)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Urgent: Pukei-Pukei Hunt

Hunt a Pukei-Pukei

HR 2 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Mernos, Jagras.

50 min

2520 z

Commentary: This time your enemy is Pukei-Pukei. Watch out for Anjanath that roams the area - don't fight with that monster! As for the quest objective, the creature has a very long tongue that can damage you from a distance. Also, the monster is poisonous - you will need to carry antidotes with you. Check out this chapter where you can find Pukei-Pukei's weak points and learn how to defeat that monster fast!

The Best Kind of Quest

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (3)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


The Best Kind of Quest

Complete the quest.

HR 3 or higher

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Acperos, Gaju, Kestodon, Noios

50 min

2520 z

Commentary: Time to visit Wildspire Waste - this region has completely different fauna and flora. Your task is to escort a cart that belongs to scholars so they can gather samples without any problems. The task seems simple until you come across Barroth. This monster has an armored head which protects it from attacks. Press here to learn how to fight with this beast.

Sinister Shadows in the Swamp

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Sinister Shadows in the Swamp

Complete the quest.

HR 3 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Acperos, Gaju, Kestodon, Noios

50 min

3240 z

Commentary: After a few simpler quests it is time to face another large monster - Jyuratodus. This aquatic creature can cause you a lot of problems - visit this chapter to learn how to defeat this beast.

Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi

Complete the quest

HR 4 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Jagras, Mernos.

50 min

3240 z

Commentary: You are back in the Ancient Forest. This time, you have to hunt Tobi-Kadachi. This monster is very agile and can use electricity. You should prepare well and read this chapter before you go on the quest.

Urgent: The Encroaching Anjanath

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (4)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


The Encroaching Anjanath

Hunt Anjanath

HR 4 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Jagras, Mernos.

50 min

4320 z

Commentary: You have to deal with Anjanath - you met this monster a few times before. Your character should be now strong enough to be able to defeat this creature that looks like a T-rex. Watch out for its fire attack and fast charges - they can deal you a lot of damage. Here you can find the chapter where you can learn how defeat this enemy and what materials you can get from it.

One for the History Books

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (5)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


One for the History Books

Complete the quest

HR 5 or higher

Time's up, faint 3 times.


50 min

4320 z

Commentary: This is your first meeting and battle with Zorah Magdaros. Start the fight by shooting with ballistae and cannons (you have to pick up their ammo first). Weaken the beast a little bit and go to Wingdrake station. Use this monster to get on Zorah Magdaros' back. Climb on the beast and destroy magmacores (watch out for fire attacks!). After a while an unknown creature will appear - you have to fight with it for a while but you won't be able to defeat it now. After that the quest will end.

Ballooning Problems

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Ballooning Problems

Hunt a Paolumu

HR 6 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Kelbi, Shamos, Raphinos

50 min

4320 z

Commentary: Welcome to Coral Highlands where you can find new and dangerous creatures. Here, you will have to face a Paolumu. Don't be deceived by its appearance - this flying creature is really strong and its aerial attacks can deal massive damage. Here you can learn about the tactic that will help you defeat this enemy.

Radobaan Roadblock

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (6)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Radobaan Roadblock

Hunt a Radobaan

HR 7 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Hornetaur, Girros, Raphinos

50 min

4320 z

Commentary: You have to visit Rotten Vale. It's time to get serious. The monsters here are very strong. Your first objective here is to hunt a Radobaan. This creature is bones protruding from its entire body and it uses powerful spin attacks. Stay vigilant and keep on moving. Check this chapter - it will help you win this fight.

Urgent: Legiana: Embodiment of Elegance

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Legiana: Embodiment of Elegance

Hunt a Legiana

HR 8 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Kelbi, Shamow, Raphinos.

50 min

5400 z

Commentary: Another monster awaits you in Coral Highlands - Legiana. This flying creature is really strong (you can find it in the highest place on the map). Remember to take Glider Mantle with you, it will allow you to ride strong winds. Thanks to that the final part of the fight, when the creature goes back to its nest, will be easier. You can also read this chapter - there, you can find a detailed description of this monster.

Into the Bowels of the Vale

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (7)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Into the Bowels of the Vale

Complete the quest

HR 8 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Hornetaur, Girros, Raphinos

50 min

5400 z

Commentary: In Rotten Vale you come across Odogaron. This lizard-like creature is extremely strong and very, very fast. It also can make your character bleed - focus on avoiding its attacks. Defeating this monster grants you an ability to craft a powerful armor. Remember that you can always check this chapter to learn more about Odogaron.

A Fiery Throne Atop the Forest

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


A Fiery Throne Atop the Forest

Hunt a Rathalos

HR 8 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Aptonoth, Jagras, Mernos.

50 min

5400 z

Commentary: Time to go back to the Ancient Forest. This time, you have to hunt Rathalos, a really powerful fire creature. Prepare yourself well - get a good and upgraded armor. You can also visit this chapter to see how you can defeat this monster.

Horned Tyrant Below the Sands

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (8)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Horned Tyrant Below the Sands

Hunt a Diablos

HR 8 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Acperos, Gaju, Kestodon, Noios

50 min

5400 z

Commentary: Go to Wildspire Waste and challenge Diablos. This monster can hide in sand, it uses powerful charges and is a tough enemy overall. Here you can find all information about this monster.

A Colossal Task

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (9)

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


A Colossal Task

Complete the quest.

HR 10 or higher

Time's up, faint 3 times, Zorah Magdaros makes a detour.


50 min

8280 z

Commentary: Time for the last quest - face Zorah Magdaros. This time, you start on its back. Search for magmacores and destroy them to weaken the monster. Shortly after that Nerigante will arrive - fight with this monster for a moment. After that the creature will fly off. Go back on land. Shoot from ballistae and cannons at Zorah Magdaros.

Later, you receive an information that you can use Dragonator - get on the lower part of the ship and use the secret weapon. This will let you defeat the monster once and for all. Finally, your expedition is over... or is it?

Invader in the Waste

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Invader in the Waste

Hunt Pukei-Pukei

HR 11 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Apceros, Kestodon, Noios, Gajalaka

50 min

7200 z

Commentary: In Wildspire Waste you will come across Pukei-Pukei. This monster is much stronger than the one before. After defeating it you learn that there are much stronger monsters in the world. Check our guide if you want to know how to beat Pukei Pukei.

From now on you can decide whether you want to visit a location in its Low Rank (the monsters have the same strength as before, you won't find any new materials etc.) or High Rank version (all large monsters become stronger, they drop new materials, there are new resources on the maps etc.). Of course, these new materials can be used at Smithy to craft new gear!

Tickled Pink

Quest's name

Main objective

Accepting conditions

Failure conditions

Other monsters

Time limit


Tickled Pink

Hunt Anjanath

HR 11 or higher.

Time's up, faint 3 times.

Apceros, Kestodon, Noios, Gajalaka

50 min

9000 z

Commentary: Your first objective is to locate tracks of a new beast: ??? Rathian. Travel through the land and search for the tracks. Completing side quests and investigations is a good idea because this will speed up the process of finding the tracks. After a while you get a new objective where you have to hung High Rank Anjanath.

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Monster Hunter World Game Guide (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.