Easy & Tender Baked Pork Chops Recipe - A Mom's Take (2024)

This easy baked pork chops recipe is the best way to serve juicy pork chops! Add it to your easy dinner recipes collection and you won’t be sorry that you did. This is the only way my husband wants me to serve boneless Pork Chops, now!

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Easy & Tender Baked Pork Chops Recipe - A Mom's Take (1)

Do you ever get tired of the same ol’ dinners week after week. Different ways of serving chicken for dinner tend to be our go-to meals a couple of times each week, but mixing up our routine with thick pork chops makes our whole week feel fresh again!

It’s such an easy recipe that feeds the whole family. I also really appreciate that it’s a lean meat and this recipe calls for simple ingredients I always have on hand.

Then, when we pull out our favorite recipes including teriyaki chicken and rice recipe and our easy parmesan chicken bake we are excited to enjoy them again!

We like to serve tender pork chops with a fruity side, like this 3-ingredient peach cobbler or homemade applesauce is always a winner! We love veggie side dishes, too, like green beans, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, or asparagus.

Easy Baked Pork Chops

How to Make Pork Chops:

You will start by combining your spice mix of garlic powder, mushrooms, kosher salt, black pepper, oregano, and thyme with a little bit of butter in a large skillet. You can substitute with olive oil, in a pinch, but butter really is best!

Pat your chops with paper towels so you have slightly dry pork chops to better absorb the flavor.

When the butter is melted, toss in your pork chops and sear each side of your chops for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown. You want a good sear on each side.

That’s all the prep you will need!

Easy & Tender Baked Pork Chops Recipe - A Mom's Take (3)

Now, bake your 1-inch thick pork chops on a for 35 minutes or until they are cooked through in your preheated oven. If your skillet is oven safe, just stick the whole skillet pan right into the oven. Otherwise, transfer all your ingredients onto a baking dish or an oven safe pan.

We love this oven-safe skillet as it can be used up to a high temperature of 550 degrees Fahrenheit and is even freezer safe!

When they are done, be sure to check the internal temperature of the pork chops with a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the chop. Remove the skillet from the oven and go ahead and set your pork chops on their plates to give them time to rest while you finish making your sauce.

Whisk in flour and milk in with your seasoning/butter mix stirring until all lumps are removed. The final cooking time just needs a quick 3-4 minute simmer of the mixture.

Serve your butter garlic sauce over the tops of your flavorful pork chops and enjoy!

One thing I love about this recipe is there is no dishes to clean up! No large bowl, piles of pans, excess kitchen tools – literally I cook it all right in the skillet from stove top to oven and back again for the roux.

FAQ’s about Baked Pork Chops:

Q: Can I bake pork chops?
A: Absolutely! Baking is a great choice for cooking pork chops. You could alternatively cook your pork chops on the grill, in a crock pot, or even on the stove top.

Q: How long should pork chops bake at 350?
A: Bake pork chops for 35 minutes at 350 F, and test internal temperature which should reach 145 F.

Q: Can I make this pork chop recipe without the mushrooms or garlic butter cream sauce?
A: Yes, you can skip the mushrooms or the cream sauce (or both). Or serve with cream of mushroom soup as a topper, if it’s the ingredients you’re missing.

As an alternative, try serving pork chops with pears, applesauce, or a side salad.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and share your experiences in the comments to help others that may have the same question.

If you love this pork recipes, browse all our easy dinner recipes!

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Are you often stumped on what to make for dinner? Grab this printable with 60 dinner ideas. It’s a lifesaver to put into your home management binder and help you when planning your weekly meals.

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Garlic Butter & Mushrooms
Baked Pork Chops Recipe

Easy & Tender Baked Pork Chops Recipe - A Mom's Take (4)

Yield: 4 pork chops

Easy & Tender Baked Pork Chops Recipe - A Mom's Take (6)

Delicious and easy pork chops with a flavorful butter sauce that compliments the meal perfectly.

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time40 minutes

Total Time50 minutes


  • 3-4 Thick Cut Pork Chops
  • ½ Stick Butter
  • 2 Garlic Cloves, Minced
  • ¼ Cup Flour, All Purpose
  • ¼ Cup Milk
  • 1 Cup Mushrooms, Cleaned and Sliced
  • 1 tbsp Oregano
  • 1 tbsp Thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large skillet over medium high heat combine butter, garlic, mushrooms, salt, pepper, oregano and thyme.
  3. Once butter has melted, add your pork chops and seer on each side for 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
  4. Once both sides of the pork chops are a golden brown place in oven and bake for 35 minutes or until centers are no longer pink. *Time may need to be adjusted depending on the thickness of your pork chops.
  5. Remove skillet from oven and remove your pork chops and sit them aside to rest.
  6. Whisk flour and milk into your pan with the remaining liquids after removing the pork chops. Whisk until all lumps are removed. Simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Serve over the top of pork chops.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 pork chop

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 482Total Fat: 29gSaturated Fat: 13gTrans Fat: 1gUnsaturated Fat: 12gCholesterol: 163mgSodium: 261mgCarbohydrates: 10gFiber: 2gSugar: 1gProtein: 43g

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If you try this easy boneless chops recipe, share what you think in the comments!

Easy & Tender Baked Pork Chops Recipe - A Mom's Take (2024)


How do you make pork chops super tender? ›

How to Make Tender Pork Chops
  1. Opt for Thick-Cut Bone-In Pork Chops. Thin-cut pork chops won't sear properly in the time it takes to cook them through. ...
  2. Skip the Brine, but Season Liberally. ...
  3. Let the Pork Chops Rest. ...
  4. Sear Pork Chops Over Medium-High Heat. ...
  5. Baste the Pork Chops. ...
  6. Let the Pork Chops Rest, Again. ...
  7. Serve.
Feb 14, 2018

Is it better to bake pork chops covered or uncovered? ›

Some baked pork chop recipes do require that the pan is covered with either foil or a lid. It creates steam and ensures that the meat is tender and juicy. Those recipes typically require a long cook time and may add vegetables to the pan, and some uncover the chops to finish browning them at a higher temperature.

How long to bake pork chops until tender? ›

Cover the baking dish and place in oven until the internal temperature of chops reads 145. This should take approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Allow pork chops to rest for 5-10 minutes before serving.

What should I season pork chops with? ›

Best Seasoning for Pork Chops

Thyme and sage add herby and floral notes complementing pork's flavor exceptionally well. There's also a combination of smoked paprika, pepper, and a little bit of cayenne pepper, which all give your pork chops a lovely, not overly spicy, kiss of heat.

How do you make pork soft and tender? ›

Using a brine or a marinade will make your life so much easier. If you're not confident in your cooking skills, there is one foolproof way to guarantee your pork ends up on the tender side, even if you cook it too long: Soak it in a brine or a marinade.

How do you tenderize pork chops before baking? ›

Place meat in a dish and cover with water. Remove meat and stir roughly 4 level Tbs of baking soda into the water. Put meat back in and soak (in refrigerator) overnight. Rinse THOROUGHLY and cook.

How do you make pork chops tender and not tough? ›

The essence of moist, tender pork chops

Let them come to room temperature before cooking. Pan-fry them, or brown them in the pan before baking them in the oven. Most importantly of all, don't overcook them. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature doesn't go past 145°F/63°C.

How do you keep baked pork chops from getting tough? ›

Tips For Cooking Perfectly Tender Pork Chops in the Oven
  1. Use bone-in cuts as they are fattier, juicier and more tender.
  2. Brine the pork chops to guarantee a juicy and well-seasoned piece of meat.
  3. Start pan-searing the pork chops and finish them off in the oven.

Should you flip pork chops in the oven? ›

Flip the chops when the first side is browned, five to 10 minutes depending on the thickness of the chop. Continue cooking until the second side is browned and an instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally into the center of the meat registers 130°F, another 5 to 10 minutes.

Is it better to bake pork chops at 350 or 400? ›

Is It Better to Bake Pork Chops at 350 or 400? The best temperature for baking pork chops depends on how thick they are, how you've prepared them and your personal preferences. Baking pork chops at 350 degrees F will result in more gently cooked and tender pork chops, but it will take more time.

Is 30 minutes long enough to bake pork chops? ›

How Long to Bake Pork Chops at 350 F in the oven? Bake them for 25-30 minutes for 1-inch thick bone-in pork chops. For boneless pork chops, reduce the baking time to 20-25 minutes.

Do pork chops have to be browned before baking? ›

To bake pork chops without breading, sear them in a cast iron skillet before baking. The brown crust that develops when searing is where the great flavor comes from. Sear on each side for 2 to 3 minutes. For easy clean-up you can bake your chops right in the pan you used for searing.

What is the secret to moist pork chops? ›

Fat is key to keeping pork chops moist

Basting them with fat, such as butter. Add in aromatics while basting for more flavor — similar to how you might cook a steak — and then you have the added bonus of browned butter and crispy garlic and/or herbs to serve with the meat.

What spice brings out the flavor of pork? ›

When it comes to pork, the rich umami flavour of garlic works very well. You can use fresh garlic, garlic flakes or garlic powder, depending on the recipe. A no-nonsense seasoning requires a no-nonsense recipe, so, if you're fancying garlic and pork, try our Mexican Pork With Garlic And Kidney Beans.

Should I cook pork chops in butter or oil? ›

I use both! At the same time! The butter helps achieve that golden brown color and adds more flavor, but you need the oil, too, because it has a higher smoke point and keeps the butter from burning. How long do you cook pork chops in a frying pan?

How do you cook pork chops so they aren't tough and dry? ›

Braising takes pan-fried pork chops one delicious step further. Braising is also a forgiving cooking method. Because the chops finish by simmering in liquids, they won't dry out as easily. Just give them a quick high-heat sear in the skillet first.

Does soaking pork chops in salt water make them tender? ›

A brine is essentially just salt and water. It helps prevent moisture loss during cooking, and the salt also helps tenderize the meat from the inside out. If you want an extra juicy piece of pork, brine it before cooking. You can make an effective brine just with salt and water, but additional seasonings do help.

Will pork chops get more tender the longer you cook them? ›

No more so than any other meat. Tender cuts, like tenderloins and chops, don't need to be cooked for a long time. In fact too long will toughen them. Other cuts, like shoulder/butt, need long slow cooking to become tender.

Is it better to bake or pan fry pork chops? ›

While there are a number of ways to cook pork chops for dinner, baking is arguably the easiest path to perfection. The hands-off cooking method cooks pork chops gently and evenly without the need for extra fat, resulting in juicy, healthier pork chops that pair well with practically any side dish.

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