A not-so-proud audition turns into lawsuit - Business Insurance (2024)

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    A not-so-proud audition turns into lawsuit - Business Insurance (1)

    A failed former “American Idol” contestant claims she was working for the show every night and day while auditioning for the show and deserves to be paid in accordance with California hour and wage laws.

    Normandy Vamos, who made headlines for her high-pitched voice and claims she was made a “laughingstock” in her rendition of “Proud Mary,” is taking lead in a class action against the production companies behind the show, claiming she and others should have been paid as employees as they waited to audition, according to several media outlets.

    “American Idol’s producers seem to feel they can break labor laws and exploit ambitious young performers simply because they may be eager for a shot at becoming the next Jennifer Hudson or Carrie Underwood,” Ms. Vamos’ attorney,Chantal Payton, said in a statement, accessed by Fox News.

    “Vamos and other performers who create content for ‘American Idol’ have rights as employees, but the producers have chosen to ignore those rights. They treated them as so-called volunteers, when in reality they are employees who should be paid,” Ms. Payton added.

    Contestants were asked to remain at a Los Angeles hotel and be available for up to 15 hours a day with no compensation, according to the complaint, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court and accessed by Fox News.

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  • A not-so-proud audition turns into lawsuit - Business Insurance (2024)


    Does business insurance cover discrimination lawsuits? ›

    Employers can protect themselves from claims of discrimination with employment practices liability insurance (EPLI), which may be available as an endorsem*nt on a business owner's policy or as a standalone policy.

    What is lawsuit insurance? ›

    The liability coverage on your policy helps cover the cost of lawsuits, including your legal defense and any damages you're ordered to pay. You select how much liability coverage your company carries.

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    Examples include, but are not limited to: Allegations that insurers are unfairly flagging claims from certain inner-city ZIP Codes and referring these claims to their Special Investigative Unit (or SIU).

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    Professional liability insurance

    This coverage protects against financial loss as a result of malpractice, errors, and negligence.

    Can you buy lawsuit insurance? ›

    Last but not least, purchase a robust legal professional liability insurance policy. While it will not prevent lawsuits, it will cover your business in case of a claim against you and provide financial support during the process.

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    Fast Resolution: Settlements usually happen more quickly than lawsuits. Stress Reduction: It avoids the formalities, stress, and costs associated with a lawsuit. Predictable Outcome: You know in advance how much compensation you will receive. This eliminates the risk and unknowns of a trial.

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    Generally, victims should not worry that filing a claim affects their liability insurance premiums. For the most part, the reverse is true. The person who caused your pain or wrongful death is the person who needs to worry.

    What is the insurance policy for discrimination? ›

    Mainly known as third-party EPLI, discrimination insurance helps defray the cost of lawsuits and judgments brought against your business by customers (or other third parties) claiming discriminatory or harassing behavior.

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    Employment practices liability insurance

    This type of insurance covers legal expenses related to lawsuits filed by employees accusing employers of wrongful termination, job discrimination, sexual harassment, or other breaches of duty.

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    Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) helps protect your business from employment-related claims, like wrongful termination, discrimination, and harassment.

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    Discrimination Liability means liability of the Association or of Insured Persons on account of discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, color, marital status, national origin, sexual preference, handicap or familial status, or any violation of any municipal, State or Federal fair housing or civil ...

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    Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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    Views: 6198

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    Author information

    Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1992-10-31

    Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

    Phone: +6111989609516

    Job: Chief Farming Manager

    Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.